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Looking After God's Interests

Author: Laurie Brown

Category: Christian Living
Posted: Dec 19, 2016

Have you ever read the book of Ecclesiastes? It is a book by Solomon, son of King David, King of Israel, the wisest man who ever lived. In his lifetime Solomon composed 3,000 proverbs and over 1,000 songs. In the Bible, Solomon wrote the Song of Songs, much of the Book of Proverbs and the book...

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A Christmas Legacy

Author: Brian Robertson

Posted: Dec 12, 2016

This time of year, one of our family’s favorite things to do is watch Christmas movies! We watch exactly the same ones every year – “Elf”, “A Christmas Carol”, “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”, “Holiday Inn” (it ends at Christmas, so it...

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Ruth Today

Author: Jim Strong

Category: Bible Studies, Stewardship
Posted: Dec 05, 2016

In chapter 2 of the book of Ruth in the Old Testament we read the touching account of the widow Ruth setting out to seek food from local farm fields: “Now Naomi had a kinsman of her husband, a man of great wealth, of the family of Elimelech, whose name was Boaz. And Ruth the Moabitess...

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Do the Right Thing

Author: Bill Robbins

Posted: Nov 28, 2016

“There is a way that seems right to a man” I think it is safe to say that you believe in “doing the right thing.” The fact you are on this site and are reading past the title probably reflects your desire to act in a moral fashion. I know in my life I have always...

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Author: Steve Benninger

Category: Christian Living
Posted: Nov 21, 2016

I admit it. I don't like criticism. The fact is, I like to think that I'm doing just fine thank you, and don't need any unsolicited comments from the peanut gallery. I'm wondering today if I'm all alone or if you too struggle with accepting criticism.

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The Cost and Reward of Mission Work

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Missions
Posted: Nov 07, 2016

Normal Mom Text: “Hey mom, let’s have lunch on Tuesday! Oh, and can I borrow your cupcake pan?” My Text Today: “Eeeek – Mommy – we just had a really big earthquake and I was home alone and David ran up from the church to protect me!!!!” Way to get...

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Take A Knee

Author: Brett Starr

Posted: Sep 26, 2016

These days, there is quite a bit of talk around the water cooler as well as chatter on the air waves surrounding the idea of taking a knee for this or that. Is it right? Is it wrong? Is it patriotic? Is it a right? Is taking a knee taking a stand?  Now before you think that you are reading...

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Are You Prepared?

Author: Steve Benninger

Category: Stories
Posted: Aug 31, 2016

It’s been a number of years now since it happened, but I still remember it. Everyone in Gahanna was stunned. Word of the tragedy was spreading quickly. It was being reported that several of our local high school students heading out for lunch that day had just been involved in a serious car...

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Author: Jay Firebaugh

Posted: Apr 24, 2014

When people in a small group break confidentiality it can damage a group because it destroys the trust that is needed for community to grow. If this ever happens, take it seriously...

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