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Projects & More Projects!

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Costa Rica
Posted: Oct 28, 2022

Our days are running away from us as we try to complete the tasks we are working on here in Los Anonos. We are finishing a closet for a little girl - tomorrow we paint butterflies on the front of the closet & set it up in her room. Lisa & Edison have a toddler class for young moms in the...

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Serving in ‘the Rica!

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Costa Rica
Posted: Oct 25, 2022

Our team arrived in Costa Rica without any delays, hurricanes, or missed flights - always a bonus! We are settled into a very “Tico” rental house very near the church. We had a great first day on site - Lisa & I unpacked all the suitcases & separated out all of the donations...

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New Life Christian School, Mukono Community Church Campus

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Uganda
Posted: Sep 29, 2022

Schools are not free for children in Uganda so the majority of kids do not attend school. Parents cannot pay school fees so even if kids are enrolled, parents cannot keep up with the fees and the children are sent home. Mukono Community Church opened a school in their community to serve their...

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Children Are a Blessing!

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Uganda
Posted: Sep 25, 2022

Hello from the Pearl of Africa! We spent time with our own sponsored children as well as the workers in the Child Development Program. These sweet people research the children who most need sponsorships, do home visits, help with medical needs or family emergencies- they are truly saints!...

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Busy Days in Mukono

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Uganda
Posted: Sep 21, 2022

Sorry our news has been so spotty! The internet is pretty awful & our power goes out a lot. It’s the rainy season & there was flooding in Kampala just last week so I was worried the rain & mud would be an issue but it’s been hot & sunny with rain only a few...

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Author: Steve Benninger

Posted: May 21, 2021

PURSUING GOD Together in Prayer and Worship  I DREAM of a church full of people who are Pursuing God together so passionately that it blows me away. It seems like every week I hear of two or three new prayer meetings that have arisen spontaneously from within the Body. One day...

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Holy Matrimony!

Author: Alan Budd

Posted: May 01, 2021

Recently, I performed a wedding for some dear friends of mine. As I was preparing, it got me thinking again about all the passages that the Bible instructs us about how to love each other as husband and wife. There is good wisdom written in there – I am sure you may have heard some of...

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Wisdom from “Old Camel Knees”

Author: Laurie Brown

Posted: Apr 21, 2021

Who is Old Camel Knees? James, the writer of the book of James and the brother of Jesus, was known as Old Camel Knees because his knees were reportedly calloused because he spent so much time on them in prayer. His core belief about prayer is from James 5:16 “The prayer of a righteous...

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