This is my search section here

Annoyed by all the Terms & Conditions


Posted: Aug 29, 2024

Are you annoyed by all the “Terms & Conditions” that seem to apply to everything these days? Whether signing up for a new phone line or enrolling your kid in soccer there are pages of these “Terms & Conditions.” It can be mind boggling and quite frustrating. Maybe...

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Our Good Shepherd

Author: Claude Davis

Posted: Aug 26, 2024

God is so good to us in every way….Amen!!?? I just love Jesus, don’t you? I’m so thankful for his grace and mercy! I think a lot about his gracious attitude toward us, he has every right to be vindictive and harsh toward you and I…right??!! I’m so glad he’s...

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I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me


Posted: Aug 01, 2024

Have you ever heard the verse “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”? It’s a pretty popular one. It shows up on bumper stickers, t-shirts, and Facebook posts all the time.   This project is killing me…but I can do all things through Christ...

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Tongues of Hellfire

Author: Jake Mills

Category: Christian Living
Posted: Jul 25, 2024

Have you ever said something you regretted and thought, what just happened? Why did I say that? We all know the guy (or girl) who constantly lets stuff leak out of his mouth that shouldn’t (whether it’s filth or judgment or discouragement). But why is it so hard to control what comes...

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To Live is Christ, and to Die is Gain

Author: Jake Mills

Category: Christian Living
Posted: Jul 18, 2024

There's a famous passage in Philippians that you may have heard before -- "to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (1:21). I've been thinking about this verse recently.   Just before it, the Apostle Paul writes that what has happened to him (imprisonment, beatings...

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Adios Anonos - Be Back Soon!


Posted: Jan 30, 2024

Mission trips have a rhythm - you arrive in this new place, you don’t know a soul, you don’t recognize the food, you can’t drink the water, you don’t even speak the language. You start doing various tasks & projects, you meet the locals, you get to know your...

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Days 3 & 4 Lots of Kids & Lots of Construction!

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Costa Rica
Posted: Jan 24, 2024

Yes, more sunny beautiful days in Los Anonos- our team may be busy & tired but they have a beautiful place to work! Tuesday & Wednesday brought about 40+ kids for Vacation Bible School plus lots of Gringo & Tico (CR) workers! They used a soccer theme to share God’s Word with...

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Costa Rica- Virus! Conference! VBS!

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Costa Rica
Posted: Jan 22, 2024

A busy Sunday morning began with Angie taking 6-year-old Lucas to the ER with a respiratory virus while Pastor David took Noah into church for the worship service. Despite most of the lyrics being in Spanish (go figure!) the team enjoyed the passionate worship & welcoming smiles of the...

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Costa Rica Team - Day One

Author: Cindy Schmidt

Category: Mission Trips: Costa Rica
Posted: Jan 20, 2024

After leaving Columbus during a freezing cold snow blizzard, the Costa Rica team - 12 people & 36 suitcases- made it to their hotel shortly after midnight Friday night! They were up early for team devotions & an authentic breakfast of beans & rice. They headed over to LaViña...

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More News from Uganda!


Category: Mission Trips: Uganda
Posted: Oct 03, 2023

Hello from warm SUNNY Uganda - the rain has held off & several of us are sporting a sunburn from this Equator sun! We spent a second day in a very rural pagan area - the men folk enjoyed the training on farming, focusing on planting crops to feed your families. David took an unexpected...

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