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Celebration at 10:00am

Sunday, July 31, 10:00 am – 11:30 am

Join us for worship! Like everything else, church feels a little different than it used to but we've worked hard to make our in-person gatherings as much a "return to normal" as possible. Here's what to expect if you're joining us in-person for the first time:

  • The service will last approximately an hour and will be focused on worship singing, God's Word, and the gospel.
  • Full KidzLife Ministry is available in two age groups - birth to age 4, and K to 5th grade.
  • Coffee and donuts will be available at our outdoor hospitality area before and after the service (indoors if weather is uncooperative.)
  • Seating arrangements are well spaced but close enough to smile and wave!
  • Bring a mask or grab one when you arrive, we request masks be worn during the service unless there's a physical health reason not to and we require them during singing.