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Worship Gathering at 10:30am

Sunday, June 7, 10:30 am – 11:30 am

We are now offering some in-person worship gatherings! To be safe and responsible, there are some differences for these gatherings, so be prepared for it to feel a bit different. Also, since we will maintain proper social distancing, seating will be spaced apart and be limited to advanced registration. Simply reserve a seat for you and your party by registering below.


What to Expect:

  • Advanced registration is needed in order to have the right seating available.
  • Seating arrangement will be spaced apart, but close enough to smile and wave!
  • Wearing masks is not required, but strongly encouraged and recommended. You may bring your own or we will have some available.
  • Gatherings will be less than 1 hour, but still focused on God’s Word and His community!
  • Creative worship elements will be used since congregational singing in currently on hold.
  • Kids will worship alongside of their parents! In time, KidzLife will reopen but timing is still unknown.
  • Cafe will remain closed, so drink your coffee before you come!

Let’s do everything we can to connect with each other even though these worship gatherings will be different. We are still family!