Dearest Church Family,
“A thrill of Hope, the weary world rejoices…”
A weary world. That describes it well, don’t you think?
I encounter weariness everywhere I go, and I also feel it within my own soul. We are all weary… weary of a seemingly never-ending virus, weary of sickness and death, tired of wearing facemasks and keeping distances, disgusted with continual political division and rancor, weary of hypocritical leaders and mixed messages and power grabs, so done with hatred and hostility in our land…
…what in heaven’s name could cause such a weary world to actually rejoice?
“for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn… O night when Christ was born!”
THIS is what gives rise to thrilling hope for a weary world: CHRIST IS BORN!
2,000 years ago God the Creator broke into this world—His own creation—when a little child was born to a young Jewish peasant and her betrothed. Without much fanfare. In a stable. In an obscure hamlet in the middle east. Unknown to the vast majority of the world.
But that child was destined to bring The Thrill of Hope to A Weary World, even causing the eruption of Loud Rejoicing by multitudes of people (and angels). How? By being “salvation wrapped in swaddling clothes.” By growing up and one day offering Himself as the Necessary Sinless Sacrifice for obtaining Total Forgiveness from God and Eternal Salvation for all who would Believe in Him.
Hallelujah! HOPE!
“For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord!”
So friends, let us join the chorus of The Weary Rejoicers this Christmas. Yes, life has been strange, unusual, hard, even grievous for many of us. But that is not the whole picture. Christ was born. Salvation was secured. Millions have been redeemed. And Jesus will come back and reign as KING!
Even in the midst of weariness, pain, and disappointment, we can always find renewed HOPE in these realities.
“Fall on your knees. O hear the angel voices. O night divine, O night when Christ was born. O night, O Holy Night, O Night Divine!”
Merry Christmas!
Pastor Steve
P.S. You can give your special Christmas Offering HERE, or bring it to one of our two Christmas Eve Celebrations on Friday at 5 and 7PM. Blessings!